Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NIP Nursing in Public


My thoughts and feelings have changed and grown regarding breastfeeding since I began this journey with my baby.  We are now at 8 months going strong and counting.  My breastfeeding goal is for at least 1 year and to go with baby-lead weaning.  I’ve had great success with babywearing and co sleeping as tools for bonding and picking up on breastfeeding cues.  I feel confident in discreetly nursing in public now because of a baby carrier.
One of my first NIP (that’s Nursing In Public) experiences was nerve-wracking but an overall success.  When my baby was almost 3 months old we went on our first grocery shopping trip just the two of us.  I had just recently figured out how to use a Moby wrap as a means of carrying or wearing my baby.  As soon as we walked into the store with the shopping cart she began to bob her head and route around.  I guess I didn’t feed her right before we left the house. I decided to put this wrap carrier to the test and attempt nursing while wearing her and shopping.
I quickly scurried into the restroom to figure out how to position her while looking in a mirror to see if I could make it look not so obvious, got a good latch, then off we went into the brightly-lit super market.  I was so afraid someone might realize what I was doing and have something to say about it.  I had heard stories of people being harassed for feeding their babies and I was not that confident yet to endure any criticism. I was avoiding eye contact with people as we passed in hopes that they wouldn’t look or notice.  Nobody said a word and in fact a few women who saw me nodded at me approvingly and with silent applause encouraged me to do what I had to do while going on with my everyday activities. I left that day feeling like I could do anything.

1 comment:

  1. I had similar experiences. I feared other people's reactions, and found I was more concerned with their discomfort than my own comfort! I nursed discretely as possible at first even at home around extended family. My step-mom was shy about it, but I soon realized that my dad was pretty oblivious and it wasn't bothering him for me to nurse in front of him- only for me to nurse in front of him with other people present- lol- once again the fear of the reaction of others- even for my dad! Out in public I had one woman ask if it was ok for her to tell her young children what I was doing. She wanted to explain to them that this was how she nursed them when they were babies. It's so natural and there should be no shame in it, but I do feel it is important to ease into it and be prepared for reactions. Enjoy the surprises like the silent nod of approval :-) Also I had similar experiences with farmer's market being a place nursing mothers are welcome. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association also welcomes nursing mothers at the common ground fair and has a nursing tent set up. It's important to find these sources of support in the community and on vacation- so that we can carry on with our lives and live them to the fullest while giving our babies the best start in life!
